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Artikelnummer: SHWF12652

Bio Wollfleece Petrol (100% Schurwolle, Merino, kbt, mulesingfrei)

Bio Wollfleece Petrol (100% Schurwolle, Merino, kbt, mulesingfrei)

Width: 155cm (+-5%)

Weight: 310g/m^2 (+-5%)

Regular price €7,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,20 EUR
Unit price €72,00  per  m
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Bei Stoffen steht 1 für 10cm. 10 sind also 100cm.
Info: Bei einer Abnahme bis zu 5 Metern (Anzahl: 50) werden die bestellten Stoffe selbstverständlich am Stück geliefert.


Kuschelig weicher und extrembreiter Wollfleece (100% Wolle, Merino kbt, mulesingfree) 

Anwendungsmöglichkeiten Jacken, Mützen, Pullover, Mäntel, Überhosen, (Baby-) Overalls, Windeleinlagen, Schals, Decken, Schlafsäcke 



  • temperaturausgleichend (überschüssige Wärme wird an die Umgebung abgegeben),
  • Wolle kann bis zu 40% ihres Eigengewichtes an Feuchtigkeit aufnehmen, ohne sich feucht anzufühlen, und wärmt nach wie vor
  • lädt sich nicht elektrostatisch auf
  • zieht kaum Schmutz und Gerüche an
  • viele kleine Luftkammern bilden einen natürlichen Puffer gegen Kälte und Hitze, die Haut kann frei atmen
  • muss nur bei grober Verschmutzung gewaschen werden, sonst reicht auslüften oder ausklopfen



Kalte Handwäsche oder Waschmaschine im Wollwaschgang ohne Schleudern  in einem Kopfkissenbezug oder Waschbeutel. Normalerweise reicht auslüften oder ausklopfen. Vor dem Nähen wird Vorwaschen empfohlen, da der Fleece gut 10% eingeht (je nach Waschmethode). Hinterher am Besten liegend trocknen, wenn möglich auf einem Handtuch. 

Zu mehr Tipps und Tricks z.B. auch zur rechter und linker Seite beim Stoff oder zu Nähhinweisen bitte unten im Akkordionmenü die einzelnen Themen aufklappen.

Kombination, Garn und Bündchen

Als Kombination eignen sich andere Wollfleecestoffe aus unserem Sortiment, aber auch dickerer WolljerseyKuschelwalk oder Frottee

Da der Stoff etwas schwerer ist, empfehlen wir hier für guten Halt als Bündchenstoff die schwere Rippe im Schlauch.  Ein toller Kontrast und dabei wunderschön dazu ist z.B. das salbeifarbige Wollbündchen oder das Wollbündchen in Schokokirsch

Für Hals- und Armbündchen geht auch gut das Wollbündchen für leichte Stoffe. Nur am Bauchbund einer Hose empfehlen wir dann noch das Einziehen eines Gummibandes. 

Hier passt farblich das feine Bündchen in Petrol meliert, was aus demselben Garn gestrickt wurde, absolut perfekt. 

Das schwere Bündchen in der Farbe "Ocean Petrol" ist für den Kuschelwalk "Ocean Petrol" gedacht und nicht für den Fleece - Foto der Kombination ist auch in der Galerie. 

Als Garnfarbe empfehlen wir am Ehesten die Farbe Oceano


Gerne zeigen wir in den Fotos auch einige Designbeispiele, die uns von begeisterten Kund*innen zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Herzlichen Dank noch einmal dafür!

Die Kinderjacke ist nach dem Schnittmuster Piesepampel von Rabaukowitsch genäht worden. Weiter hinten in der Galerie seht ihr noch die fröhlich bunten Belege von katharina.schwedhelm, die der Jacke wieder ihre Einzigartigkeit verleihen. Die Bündchen wurden kombiniert in der Farbe Schokokirsch.

Der Damenpullover wurde von genäht nach dem Schnittmuster Lovely Lady Outdoor Jacket von Lovelysewdesign. Anstelle der Jacke, wurde der Schnitt gehackt und daraus ein Pullover genäht. Kombiniert wurde mit Salbei Fleece und dem passenden Salbei Bündchen.

materials and information

Cuddly soft wool fleece 100% wool

wool fleece

Cuddly soft and extremely wide wool fleece (100% wool, Merino kbt, mulesingfree)

Possible applications Jackets, hats, sweaters, coats, overpants, (baby) overalls, diaper liners, scarves, blankets, sleeping bags

Buy it and use it right away - most pieces of wool fleece end up unsewn as a sofa blanket on the couch and are constantly cuddled up there.

Also great as a duvet - in winter as an extra warm blanket under the regular blanket, in summer as the only blanket.


The raw wool for this fleece comes from sheep from controlled organic animal husbandry - kbT - in Argentina. The fleece is produced in Germany.


temperature-balancing (excess heat is given off to the environment), wool can absorb up to 40% of its own weight in moisture without feeling damp, and still warms up does not accumulate electrostatically hardly collects dirt and odorsmany small air chambers form a natural buffer against cold and heat, the skin can breathe freely only has to be washed if it is very dirty, otherwise airing or tapping is sufficient

Right & left side with wool fleece

With fleece, the right and left sides look very similar at first glance. However, it is advisable to pay attention to which side is on the outside when sewing, as one of the sides wears out more quickly and loses the fleece.

Basically: Fleece is made from a kind of terry cloth, where the loops are then cut open and everything is brushed open again. This gives it its soft and voluminous structure.

As you know it from our wool terry cloth , one side has loops and the other doesn't.

The side with the loops (which would actually be the wrong side in terms of the knit structure) is more heavily fleeced and retains the fleece character for longer. The other side can lose the "wussling" faster or even have bare spots in between from the start. This side should then be sewn inwards.

How do you recognize that now? There are several possibilities for this:

Pay attention to the selvage before cutting. Here you can see the still unfleeted loops on one side and a smooth surface on the other side. The sides with the loops should therefore face outwards. It is best to mark each pattern piece with a needle on the sturdier side so that you still know what needs to go out after you have cut it.

Look at the cut fleece at the raw edge. One side is then usually clearly visible much thicker

Stretch the fleece in width. It then unrolls onto the less robust side. This is also a good mnemonic - imagine you're sewing a skirt out of fleece. Then, of course, you don't want the fleece to roll up and out when you wear it and then end up with a daisy duck skirt at the back, but rather that it rolls up a bit inwards.

Now you may be asking the question - do I have to pay attention to it. No of course not. But - if afterwards a piece of clothing sometimes has a robust and sometimes an unrobust side on the outside, then this is noticeable because, for example, the right sleeve wears out faster than the left. And that would be a shame!

care instructions

Hand wash cold or machine wash on wool cycle without spinning in a pillowcase or laundry bag. Airing or tapping is usually sufficient. Pre-washing is recommended before sewing, as the fleece shrinks a good 10% (depending on the washing method). Dry flat afterwards, if possible on a towel.

It is optimal if the woolen clothing is simply aired out in damp weather (e.g. in the bathroom when showering). The water vapor that meets the fabric then automatically transports away smaller dirt particles and bad odours.

If the clothes are heavily soiled, they can be washed by hand or on the wool cycle of the washing machine at 30 degrees with wool detergent. In winter we recommend washing on a cold wool cycle, otherwise the difference between 30 degrees and cold rinsing water may be too great.

As wool fibers are more delicate when wet than when dry, it is recommended that wool clothing be dried lying flat on a towel.

For further care and sewing instructions, we also refer to our FAQs.

Questions are also gladly answered in our wool/silk fan group on Facebook, where many sewing examples can also be admired: click

Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.

sewing instructions

Wool fleece can be sewn on the overlock as well as on the conventional sewing machine. It is important to use a stretchable stitch (e.g. zigzag stitch, pseudo-overlock stitch, etc.) and super stretch needles. The needles are specially made for very stretchy fabrics and ensure that the threads are not severed when sewing, but pushed to the side. This way there are no holes in the sewing machine in the long run. It may be helpful to lower the presser foot pressure on the sewing machine, or if this is not possible, use a walking foot. This prevents “wavy formation” when sewing.

Practical tests have shown that when using an overlock for sewing wool fleece, it can make sense to increase the differential feed to prevent ripples here. However, the exact settings that lead to the best sewing result differ depending on the machine - we therefore recommend a test seam on a leftover piece of cuttings.

Questions are also gladly answered in our wool/silk fan group on Facebook, where many sewing examples can also be admired: click

Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.


In our FAQs and our wool brochure you will find more information about our wool products in general and tips on care and sewing in particular. For exciting discussions with other seamstresses and to show the finished products, we would like to invite you to our Wool Silk fan group on Facebook.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Wunderschönes Petrol

Kuschelig wie immer. Auch super für die Couch

Herrlich weicher Fleece

Wie immer ein Kuscheltraum in gewohnt überragender Qualität. In Kombi mit Salbei Fleece eines meiner Favoriten.

Angela R.
Endlich Petrol

Endlich gibt es Petrol Fleece, etwas dunkler als der alte Petrol Frottee, aber wunderbar kuschelig.

Antonia H.
Booooaaaaah Flaaauschfest!

Was für ein toller Flauschaufen! Super weich und eine tolle, tiefe, satte Farbe! Wurde hier zusammen mit Goldregen und Schoko Kirsch Fleece zu einer Kuscheljacke für den Mini und sieht irre gut aus! Der Fleece ist wirklich **** und flauschig, also herrlich für die kalten Tage!

Walk vs Fleece

What is warmer - boiled wool or wool fleece?

It all depends on what you want to sew. Walk is less permeable to water and wind than fleece and therefore warms you up better outdoors. You can also sew in a cozy fleece lining - the perfect combination, we think!

Fleece is perfect for sweaters and cardigans that you tend to wear indoors.

  • Sew raw

    ... you don't have to finish the edges of a boiled wool? For a nice finish, you can sew a piece of wool around the edges, for example.

    To the wool wefts 
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