Danisch Pur
Artikelnummer: SHC312461
Bio Wolljersey/Wollinterlock Ciocco-Cino (Merino, kbt, mulesingfrei)
Bio Wolljersey/Wollinterlock Ciocco-Cino (Merino, kbt, mulesingfrei)
Width: 150cm (+-5%)
Weight: 250g/m^2 (+-5%)
Info: Bei einer Abnahme bis zu 5 Metern (Anzahl: 50) werden die bestellten Stoffe selbstverständlich am Stück geliefert.
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Wolljersey Tricolore Ciocco-Cino
Der Cino ist ein Interlock (von beiden Seiten verwendbar) und ist warm und herrlich kuschelig weich von der Haptik. Auch hier handelt es sich um Feinstrick, der vor allem als erste Schicht an der Haut getragen werden kann, oder als zweite Schicht beim Zwiebelprinzip im Winter.
Der Stoff eignet sich für Röcke, kurze und lange Hosen, Unterhemden, Leggings, Pullover oder auch zum Füttern von Walkjacken, für Mützen, Schals und Co.
Wir empfehlen - wie bei allen Stoffen - eine Vorwäsche, da der Stoff je nach Waschmethode bis zu 10% einlaufen kann. Bei dunklen Farben raten wir zudem dazu, dass einzeln oder mit ähnlichen Farben gewaschen wird, damit Nichts auf andere Stoff abfärbt.
Eine Besonderheit hier ist, dass drei unterschiedliche Farben miteinander verstrickt wurden und nicht nur Zwei.
Was ist eigentlich ein "Cino"?
Abgeleitet wird der Name dieses besonderen Interlocks von unserem Klassiker, dem Cappuccino. Dieser hat euch in Strickart und Weichheit so verzaubert, dass wir jetzt viele unterschiedliche "Cinos" anbieten.
Strenggenommen ist es einfach ein Interlock in einer besonderen Strickung, die ihn besonders weich und einfach nur herrlich macht.
Um sie von den glatteren und etwas festeren Wolljerseys bei uns im Shop schon im Namen zu unterschieden, haben diese Stoffe ab jetzt die Endung ~cino.
Kombinationen, Nähgarn und Bündchen
Zum Ciocco-Cino als Kombination eignen sich sämtlichen Wolljersey-Stoffe im Shop. Als Bündchen kann gut der Cino selbst genutzt werden, aber auch andere Wolljerseys sind möglich. Gerade farblich passt Zartbitter Uni hervorragend dazu. Wenn ein sehr festes Bündchen gewünscht ist, z.b. für ein Bauchbündchen einer Hose, können auch gut die etwas gröberen Wollbündchen Rippe im Schlauch verwendet werden oder die feinen Wollbündchen.
Als Nähgarn haben wir die Farbe Mokka im Angebot, die farblich gut passt. Durch die verschiedenen Brauntöne im Stoff passt aber fast jedes braune Garn farblich gut!
Gerne zeigen wir in den Fotos auch einige Designbeispiele, die uns von begeisterten Kund*innen zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Herzlichen Dank noch einmal dafür!
Ihr seht die Danisch Pur Chefin höchstpersönlich in ihrem gemütlichen Hoodie, nach dem Schnittmuster Kallix von , mit eigenst eingebauten Teilungen. Kombiniert wurde hier mit dem perfect Match - Zartbitter Wolljersey.
Wool jersey fabric
Wool jersey fabric
Our organic wool jersey fabric (kbt, made from 100% new wool, merino) is produced according to the highest ecological criteria. It is therefore particularly suitable for the sensitive skin of babies and toddlers, as well as for all clothing that is worn close to the skin. Outerwear is also given something very special by the delicate shimmer of the wool fabric, so that the fabric is also ideal for adult clothing.
Wool is naturally self-cleaning and antibacterial. It absorbs moisture without feeling clammy and transports it outwards, away from the body. Merino new wool is very finely crimped, does not scratch and is wonderfully soft and fluffy.
Since wool clothing only rarely needs to be washed - brushing or airing it out is usually enough - the clothing is also very easy to care for.
However, as with all fabrics, we recommend a pre-wash, as the fabric can shrink by 10-15% depending on the washing method .
Wool as a natural product
Wool as a natural product
Very important - wool is a natural product and also one that can be slightly different with every shearing and every flock of sheep. Each fabric can be slightly different in feel than the fabrics before it. When spinning, a completely even thread is not possible, so that there are always thinner and thicker places in the fabric, which are caused by different thread thicknesses (especially if there are always thick or coincidentally always exactly thin places in two/three rows in a row). threads appear).
Especially with the Cino we have the phenomenon that two different colors are knitted together and then every now and then a stitch of one color is in the place where the other color would have been purely symmetrical. If something like this occurs very frequently on a piece of fabric and from both sides, it can actually look annoying, so we sort out such pieces as B-goods. If it is only on one side or only a few stitches per square meter, it is either not noticeable or the other side can be used without any problems (Cinos are interlocks, so that right and left sides do not differ). Please note this before ordering, as it is not a reason for complaint.
We have a photo (the one with the ruler) in the gallery where you can see such a spot. Please note - the image is not colourfast.
care instructions
care instructions
It is optimal if the woolen clothing is simply aired out in damp weather (e.g. in the bathroom when showering). The water vapor that meets the fabric then automatically transports away smaller dirt particles and bad odours.
If the clothes are heavily soiled, they can be washed by hand or on the wool cycle of the washing machine at 30 degrees with wool detergent. In winter, we recommend washing on a cold wool cycle, otherwise the difference between 30 degrees and cold rinsing water in the washing machine may be too great. Wool does not like strong temperature fluctuations.
As wool fibers are more sensitive when wet than when dry, it is recommended that wool jersey and wool silk be dried flat on a towel.
A lot of dirt can also be removed by tapping or brushing (e.g. with the miracle brush available in the shop).
For further care and sewing instructions, we also refer to our FAQs.
Questions are also gladly answered in our wool/silk fan group on Facebook, where many sewing examples can also be admired: click
Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.
sewing instructions
sewing instructions
Wool jersey can be sewn on the overlock as well as on the conventional sewing machine. It is important to use a stretchable stitch (e.g. zigzag stitch, pseudo-overlock stitch, etc.) and super stretch needles. The needles are specially made for very stretchy fabrics and ensure that the threads are not severed when sewing, but pushed to the side. This way there are no holes in the sewing machine in the long run. It may be helpful to lower the presser foot pressure on the sewing machine, or if this is not possible, use a walking foot. This prevents “wavy formation” when sewing.
As with other knitted fabrics, it is advisable not to start sewing at the very edge of the fabric, as this can sometimes "eat" into the machine. Here you can start sewing 2-3cm from the edge and sew up the beginning after a few stitches using the reverse button. Holding onto the protruding threads and gently pulling them backwards also makes it easier to start.
Wool silk fabric is stretchier than most comparable cotton jersey. Here it can make sense to sew one size smaller than normal and to stay with the usual dress size in length. As every pattern and build is different, it is highly recommended to place well-fitting garments on top of the appropriate pattern to provide a match.
For further care and sewing instructions, we also refer to our FAQs.
Questions are also gladly answered in our wool/silk fan group on Facebook, where many sewing examples can also be admired: click
Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any further questions.
In our FAQs and our wool brochure you will find more information about our wool products in general and tips on care and sewing in particular. For exciting discussions with other seamstresses and to show the finished products, we would like to invite you to our Wool Silk fan group on Facebook.

What is important to us
When producing our meter goods, it is particularly important to us that they are produced in a socially and environmentally friendly manner. Not only because some of the fabrics are worn directly on the (children's) skin as underwear, but also because we want to support and protect nature with our daily actions.
Did you know that...
Free shipping
...that your order within Germany from an order value of 75€ comes to you free of shipping costs? We ship to other European countries free of charge from an order value of €100.
Everything you need for your projects
On to the accessories...that we also have sewing thread, labels, sewing machine needles, rubber bands, wool braid, buttons, care products, soap bubbles and much more in our range?